Yes, there's
an actual
1099 Tax Doctor
One of the best tax strategies for an influencer earning 1099 income goes like this:
LLC +/- S Corp Status
Solo 401k
+/- Back Door Roth
Defined Benefit Plan
199A Small Business Deduction
Hi, I’m Eric Wright. I’m an emergency physician in Charleston, SC. I’m an independent contractor and small business owner and my combined income tax rate hovers at around
10-13%. A few years ago I became frustrated with how opaque, complex, and expensive tax mitigation options are for 1099 contractors, so I chose to make it easy and affordable.
The typical 1099 earner that uses this strategy can achieve lower tax rates -
with most individuals saving at least $40k per year.
However, try learning how to do all this yourself and shopping around for prices,
and you’ll quickly become discouraged.
1099 Tax Doctor
does it all for you!
For all of this we charge $5,250 per year - and our fee is tax-deductible!
Yes, you read that right.
Go ahead and find a better price. I'll wait.
Quality Service
Better yet, our CPA and financial partners are consummate professionals dedicated to accessible, honest client service.
We don’t use cut-rate junior accountants or charge hidden fees. Our CPA partners specialize in complex personal and small business tax returns, currently filing over 1,600 per year.
Our financial professionals that set up and manage your Defined Benefit plan and financial products have a wealth of experience and are fiduciaries.
I emphasize quality but insist on fair pricing, so you get the best possible tax savings and don’t get taken advantage of.